速報APP / 社交 / Mission Namo Repeat

Mission Namo Repeat





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本



Mission Namo Repeat(圖1)-速報App

Shri Narendra Modi is a great dreamer, who has the remarkable ability to transform his dreams into reality. His supreme dream is the regeneration and transformation of Gujarat, and eventually his motherland emerging as a developed and powerful nation. His dream for India encompasses an extensive range – one that vitally fosters agricultural research, protection of the environment, infrastructure as the lifeline of industry and global investments. In short, the emergence of a new and happy society celebrating the endless festival of life! Shri Narendra Modi has a reputation for being a hard taskmaster and strict disciplinarian but at the same time he is an embodiment of strength and compassion.

Mission Namo Repeat(圖2)-速報App

Mission Namo Repeat(圖3)-速報App

Mission Namo Repeat(圖4)-速報App

Mission Namo Repeat(圖5)-速報App